Do you want to help persons hurting emotionally?
Are you interested in Partnering with a Non-Profit Organization in Belize?
Are you readily able to partner through any of the following:

volunteering of your time/skill
purchasing from our online store and/or
– making in-kind or monetary pledge?

If you responded YES to these questions, this message is for YOU.

Everyday someone is experiencing grief, loss, and trauma …or is hurting emotionally.
Many turn to alcohol or drugs and many cannot afford the help they need.

At Rapha Hope Center, WELLNESS comes FIRST, and guided by the Holy Spirit, we offer HOPE and a Support Network through Authentic, Confidential & Affordable counselling, development programs & retreats.

Since our establishment in 2016, we were able to restore hope in the hearts of nearly eight hundred persons (Est. 800) through counselling and have facilitated an estimated one hundred and twenty five (Est. 125) Workshops for Organizations in Belize who were either prioritizing Wellness for their staff or managing crisis in their organization.

In the past three years, however, we have seen a significant increase in persons recognizing the need to address/manage their mental health and an alarming percentage of those persons who were unable to afford the help they need. By God’s grace, our Center was able to offer the needed support despite the very limited resources available to us.

We believe that with the right partners, we would be able to meet the increasing demand for our services (which will help those in need), maintain our day-to-day operations, train & expand our team as well as maintain affordable rates for our clients.

We have launched the Restoring Hope2Hearts Campaign with the following objectives:
1) To raise/generate $40,000 USD over the span of twelve (12) Months
2) To dispel the negative stigma associated with Mental Health
3) To create/build awareness about Rapha Hope Center, it’s services and ways persons like yourself can partner with our Organization.

We understand the importance of transparency, accountability and integrity in any partnership and as such, would periodically update the data collected in real-time as it relates to the use of pledged funds, in-kind donations and services being rendered on our Hope2Hearts Campaign Website.


MAKE A PLEDGE IN-KIND: https://hearts.raphahopecenter.com/in-kind/

BUY FROM OUR eSTORE: https://hearts.raphahopecenter.com/shop/

MAKE A MONETARY PLEDGE: https://hearts.raphahopcenter.com/pledge/

VOLUNTEER NOW: https://hearts.raphahopecenter.com/volunteer/